Simply awesome ------
Discover our chargers
It is a USB charger module intended for use in buses/coaches. The product consists of a non-synchronous DC-DC switching power supply, which is provided from the bus battery voltage (8V to 48V) and converts it to a 5V, 2.1A output, through a USB connector.
Advanced Features ------
Infotainment the way you want it!
IntegraBus Atlas provides location related tourist information to the passengers while travelling on longer distance. The information can be audio or video and will be played by GPS signal trigger. The content is provided trough the already existing multimedia equipment.
Long lasting comfort
Digital Mirroring Box
The DMB is connected to the old-school’s analogue screens to display trendy digital content from the mobile phone, tablet, or notebook.
Our Newest Product
GLOBUS device is a multimedia player and geographic position-based tourist information system. The played video can be displayed on integrated screen, and the sound can be heard on integrated speakers of the public transport vehicle.
In cooperation with an Integrabus Wifi device, the passengers of public transport vehicles can play film or music content on any mobile devices.
In cooperation with an Integrabus Wifi device, the passengers of public transport vehicles can play film or music content on any mobile devices.